Sunday, May 4, 2008

Playing toys...

Hello! I just finished watching Veggie Tales with momma. It was an episode about being nice to others...if only the whole world watched Veggie Tales and listened to its messages... but, anyways after that was over, momma decided to put me on the floor and dump all my toys out of my toy "hamper". For a second I had "toy overload" but then I found my colorful balls. I just think all the colors are so fun. I like to hold them, put them in my mouth and bang them on the floor! Oh yeah, and I also like to roll them or try to roll them back to momma when she rolls them to me!

And check out how well I am sitting! I love to sit now and I rarely fall over. If I do fall over I get extremely upset if momma leaves me there because laying down is for babies! (Eventhough I can roll over now, which momma just thinks is the coolest thing ever (she's crazy like bananas!), I still would rather sit up!

Talk to you later...I'm going to start fussing now and see if momma gives me some sweet potatoes for breakfast...NOT BANANAS, but sweet potatoes!

P.S. Bananas taste crazy and I am not a fan, I like orange foods...

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